Tara Lou McKenzie Tara Lou McKenzie

Clearing the Energetic Gunk

Aggressive energy is characterized by feelings of irritability, instability, depression or agitation. It arises when the qi become “polluted” or contaminated. This can happen as a result of what we call an internal cause, where emotional trauma causes an upset to the normal flow. Our bodies normally recover easily from everyday emotional traumas like relationship stress, financial stress, or work stress, but when these stressors continue and build up over time, creating stagnation, the body can’t keep up with recovery and problems arise.

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Tara Lou McKenzie Tara Lou McKenzie

What is Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy will help with reducing stress, increasing relaxation while improving immune function. It’s delivered to improve the flow of blood and lymph (the fluid in lymph glands that are part of the immune system), to reduce muscular tension, to recalibrate the nervous system through stimulation, and to enhance tissue healing.

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Tara Lou McKenzie Tara Lou McKenzie

Acupuncture For Fertility

Acupuncture can improve sperm quality, help ovaries function, and balance the endocrine system and hormones. It is frequently combined with herbal medicine to create a robust approach tailored for each individual.

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Tara Lou McKenzie Tara Lou McKenzie

Acupuncture For Oncology Support

Acupuncture has been proven to help alleviate cancer symptoms such as fatigue, pain relief, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, depression, and neuropathy symptoms. The last one there refers to the numbness or pins-and-needles sensation that people in treatment may experience

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Tara Lou McKenzie Tara Lou McKenzie

What are Herbal Medicines & How Can They Support Your Healing?

Herbal medicine involves the medicinal use of plants to treat disease and enhance general health and wellbeing. While technology and modern science have helped us expand upon the natural powers of herbal medicine, to discredit herbal medicine immediately is to deny the history of western medicine.

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Tara Lou McKenzie Tara Lou McKenzie

Acupuncture for Stress Management

Acupuncture helps to mitigate the consequences of stress created by our daily lives, as well as the traumatic situations that occur every so often. Most people have been living beneath the weight of so much stress for so long, they don’t even realize it's there. The body becomes acclimated to running 110% all the time without fail, until of course, things start to do just that.

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