Clearing the Energetic Gunk


What happens if you don’t respond to acupuncture?

Dr. Maureen Giese here.

I have been doing a treatment fairly frequently lately that I do when people are not responding to acupuncture as well as I expect. I call it “removing the energetic gunk we take on.”

This happens when something called “aggressive energy” is at play, and it is indicated when a person’s qi, or energy, is not flowing normally. When a person has aggressive energy, it means the flow has become disordered and dysfunctional and a person often will not feel better until it is resolved. I was taught, in the way-back olden days, that this treatment was used to relieve people of possession by spirits. In a way, I think that is how it can be explained in modern times as well, as we are often assailed by other people’s energetic garbage and it can stick to us unless we actively work to clear ourselves of the baggage. Enter, aggressive energy treatment. 

Aggressive energy is characterized by feelings of irritability, instability, depression or agitation. It arises when the qi become “polluted” or contaminated. This can happen as a result of what we call an internal cause, where emotional trauma causes an upset to the normal flow. Our bodies normally recover easily from everyday emotional traumas like relationship stress, financial stress, or work stress, but when these stressors continue and build up over time, creating stagnation, the body can’t keep up with recovery and problems arise.

Aggressive energy can also be caused by external pathogens, like colds and viruses that meet a body whose defensive qi, or immune system, is depleted. When the body’s defenses are depleted, pathogens are able to move deeper into the body, creating a situation where the stagnation of energy results in aggressive energy. 

This treatment consists of 12 needles inserted very superficially into points on the back along the muscles lateral to the spine. You are then left for a while to let the needles do their job while you rest and relax. For many people, the relief is immediate. Patients who have an aggressive energy treatment frequently comment that they feel like they released something or left something behind. They often say they just feel better, but can not really say why. Something just feels different and lighter.

Energetic gunk, be gone!


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