Happy Lunar New Year!

Hands cupped with light shining through

year of the yang wood dragon 

This weekend we will leave the year of the Rabbit behind and enter the year of the Yang Wood Dragon. 

This year will be characterized by fast moving, expanding energy, rising yang energy. According to CT Holman, Director of Development for the Lotus Institute, “the dragon gifts us with a makeover that shifts our being ‘like a revolutionary power about to change the entire world’”. It is a time of major changes and the Dragon encourages us to leave behind the things that no longer serve us in our lives. Releasing the negative qi from our lives gives us the space to find our power within and experience growth and transformation, and it is a time to make good choices to support your future. 

The Wood element is associated with the Liver and Gallbladder channels, the energy of which are responsible for the making and carrying out of the blueprint of our lives. The wood element supports action, accomplishment, and physical activity and when it is overly abundant, is characterized by anger and frustration. 

The Yang aspect of this year’s energy is characterized by movement and action, further supporting the upward and outward movement of the Wood element and the flying confident nature of the Dragon. 

In essence, buckle up. No really. Buckle up. You might need it to help ground yourself with the soaring, expansive energy of this year. While the out-with-the-old-in-with-the-new nature of this year is exciting and promises to propel you into your future, take care to be mindful of your path, remember your past, and plant your roots deep to grow healthfully into your future. 

You might need a little more meditation, forest bathing, earthing, moderate cardiovascular exercise, time working in the soil, or nourishing acupuncture to keep you grounded this year. Make sure you are taking time to rest, because the Yang Wood Dragon is going to try to keep you moving nonstop! Take time with your community and to express your creativity. We are so excited to see the wonderful growth and changes this year brings you all this year. 

If you would like to read more about the year of the Yang Wood Dragon, follow this link to CT Holman’s full astrological forecast: https://mailchi.mp/redwoodspring/greendragon2024-holman888


Holman, C. (2024, January). Happy New Year! 2024 The Yang Wood Dragon. Redwood Spring. https://mailchi.mp/redwoodspring/greendragon2024-holman888?e=[UNIQID] 


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